
Dreaming Of The Amalfi Coast

You know when you see something that looks so stunning that it’s almost too good to be true? That is how I felt about the Amalfi Coast. Italy has been on my list of places to visit for a long time so when a great opportunity presented itself, I booked my trip on the spot. Most travelers go directly to the major cities like Rome, Pisa, Florence, etc. (which I absolutely plan to visit one day), but my eye was always on the coast. There was just something magical about it. Even more than what pictures can showcase. Many think of this area as just relaxing and romantic, but there were so many great activities and things to do. The coast is also known to be pretty expensive, but there are also ways to save money while traveling and exploring the area. Read on to read tips on the best ways to make the most of your experience and save a little while you’re at it!

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Submerged In Brazilian Culture

Each time I travel, whether it’s for an extended or short amount of time, I am always ready to get home. For me, there’s nothing like experiencing my natural elements, sleeping in my own bed, eating my usual food, etc. Brazil was the first trip I’d been on where I did not have any of those feelings. After being there for nine days, I was ready to stay and continue the journey. Sometimes when people hear the word “Brazil”, they have a sense of hesitancy. If you are one of them, this post will help you release those preconceived notions and have you ready to book a trip tomorrow! I was pleasantly surprised with the endless amount of fun I had. Continue reading to find out why this trip was my favorite experience to date!

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