Our Summer Bucket List with Ohio. Find It Here !
Hellooooo Everyone!!!! We have exciting news for you all! We are back with a new partnership with
Ohio. Find It Here. If you were following our blog last year, you likely saw our partnership with them
which took us on foodie tours, charming towns, and so much more. Together, with Ohio. Find
It Here, we have a great line up in store for you for the remainder of 2021. First up is…..
You know, Ohio has so much to offer- especially in the summer. There are tons of options to choose
from with something fitting for everyone! Here are some of the top things we are looking forward to:

Who doesn’t love a good park especially in great cities? If you didn’t know, Cincinnati was
recently rated in the top 10 in the nation for its park system. Pretty cool right?! There are quite a few to
choose from, but our favorites are:
Washington Park- This is one of the best parks in the city for events and festivals. If you want to
just relax in the grass, it’s great. If you want to listen to live music, it’s great. If you want to have a drink
and good food, there’s a different festival on a regular basis. It also has a playground and water area for
kids (or adults. Hey, we’re not judging. Be playful!)
Ziegler Park- Ziegler park is awesome because they have a huge playground, nearby basketball
courts, and the best part- a pool! The pool comes at a low price and is great for all of the kids in the
area who are looking for something to do. Swimming lessons are available and there’s even adult swim
time as well.
Smale Park– Smale Park is just beautiful!!! I love to go at the start of Spring to see their flowers
bloom (tulips are my favvvv and they have plenty of them), which last throughout the summer and most
of fall. This is a nice activity park. You can bike ride by the river, run, play on the playground, hop on a
boat, or walk down to Sawyer Point for volleyball. The bridges and Ohio River are right in view which
makes for such a beautiful site.
Cincinnati and Columbus Zoos!
Did you know Cincinnati and Columbus zoos are both highly rated for top zoos in the nation as well?
Yep! They have the best animals that can roam freely with lots of space, which is important. I love to see
when one of the babies are welcomed to the family. I mean, who doesn’t love Fiona?! (although she’s
not much of a baby anymore). There are several activities you can choose from such as encounters, train
rides, carousels, climbing activities, and more. What I love about the Columbus zoo is the size of their
aquarium! It is awesome! The botanical gardens are also so beautiful and soothing to walk through as
well. Anddd Cincinnati’s annual fundraiser is coming back at the end of summer: Zoofari . This is a gala
that is so well done and so fun! What a great way to close out summer!
Red’s Games– One thing about Ohioans… we love our sports! I mean…..who doesn’t love a good Red’s
game?! Whether you like baseball or not, you certainly can’t deny the fun atmosphere when you’re in
the stands or in a box. My family and I have been going to the games for years and never get tired of it.
It really is a great way to fellowship with each other while cheering your city on. I’m just waiting for the
time when we catch a foul ball! And what about the food? Baseball food (i.e. hot dogs, popcorn, etc.) is
the best, but I absolutely love getting Cincinnati staples such as Skyline and Larosa’s there too.
Somehow, they just taste better in the stadium!
Music Festivals
Music festivals are such a great way to discover new artists that you will end up loving but may never
have heard of if you hadn’t of gone. And guess what? They’re coming back!!! Some of my favorites have
been right here in Ohio. All the open land really allows us to have the perfect venues with awesome
performers. Fun fact: Cincinnati and Cleveland attract tens of thousands of people from surrounding
areas for the Cincinnati Music Festival and Wonderstruck in Cleveland. That’s how good and reputable
they are. Although the Cincinnati Music Festival is not coming back until 2022, Wonderstruck, as well as
many others throughout Ohio will continue this summer- and mostly at full capacity.
King’s Island/Cedar Point
For all the thrill seekers out there- King’s Island in Cincinnati and Cedar Point in Sandusky are right up
your alley! I grew up on both parks and have yet to get tired of them. I absolutely love how they both
add new and exciting rides just about every year. It truly keeps things exciting. If you don’t ride
rollercoasters, don’t worry. There’s plenty for you too! The food alone could certainly keep you coming
back (can I get an amen for the funnel cakes?!). I also love the different performances right in front of
the Eiffel Tower. They make my friends and I want to have a dance party right on the spot. The other
two things that I truly enjoy are the water parks section and the games. Considering how hot the
summers can get, the water is a great way to cool down before drying off at the regular park again. Thrill
seeker or not- these two places are for YOU.
Rooftop Bars-
Most people know I loveeee a good rooftop bar. I could spend every weekend at a different rooftop and
would consider my summer complete. That’s how much I truly enjoy them. Here are a few of my favs in Cincy:
Rhinegeist- When you step up, your jaw might drop because the panorama view of Cincinnati is
awesome! It is nice for a fun night out but can also end up being cute and romantic because of the
sunset and comfy outdoor couches. Grab yourself a beer and enjoy this great space.
Lytle Park- Lytle Park is one of the newer rooftops in Cincy and is all the rave. Their view is
primarily of the Ohio River, bridges and stadiums. Lovely! They offer fun cocktails and bar food while
you sit in the space. One great thing about them- they offer a covered glass area in the event it rains.
If you’re in Columbus visit:
Lincoln Social – They are awesome. The entry includes a floral wall (with BLM in the design-
thank you!) that then opens up to a beautiful space. This is another rooftop that offers super fun
cocktails and delicious food. I would highly suggest making reservations though. They book fast!
If you’re in Columbus or Cincy:
Pins- Pins has expanded to different parts of Columbus and also now in Cincy. It’s such a fun
place that has so many different games to choose from. Not all of them have a rooftop, but regardless,
you will love it because they do have an outdoor space. The Cincinnati location has a rooftop that is so
cute! The firepits (which are also at the non-rooftop locations) make for a cozy yet playful feel. The thing
I love most about them though- their summer slushy drinks! Drink up!!
That’s all for now folks! We hope you’ve enjoyed a glimpse into what we are looking forward to.
Look out for our next partnership with Ohio. Find It Here coming soon! Cheers to SUMMMERRRRR!