Tiffany B.
Hey ya’ll! I’m Tiffy B. A Wife. A Mother. An Engineer. A Southerner. A Traveler. A Food Lover. I’m one of the writers and photographers behind The Pursuit of Delights, a Cincinnati – based food and traveling blog!
I’m originally from Huntsville, AL. I’m well traveled. Well spoken. Well read. Well balanced. Well blessed. I’m just well! I currently live in Cincinnati with my husband and two daughters, Andrew, Berkeley, and Robyn. It’s a pleasure to meet everyone! Thanks for stopping by! Here at The Pursuit of Delights I want to share my stories through traveling; as well as, my love for creating sweet and sinful times while out on the town enjoying a delicious meal. Eating and traveling are often pastimes that bring people together and creates memories of a lifetime. So I hope you will stay awhile as we travel down this journey of life together through The Pursuit of Delights, as a result making life a little bit sweeter!
I am blessed to say that I have experienced a great amount of domestic and international travel over the years. While on these journeys, capturing the physical architect and food of some of the locations has been a blast as well as lifetime memories. I enjoy bigger cities but have a lot of respect for the culture and diversity the smaller ones bring as well. I love waking up in a new place and experiencing the culture and something out of the everyday norm. As many people, I read about these places in books or online but nothing can compare than to actually visit and experience some of the best locations around. I also enjoy the moments each trip brings as no one trip is alike. There is always something to see, people to meet, and experiences to document!
AHHH..FOOD! My favorite four letters. I love to eat, talk about food, cook food and take pictures of food. The experience of enjoying a great meal at a restaurant with friends and family is priceless. I love scoping out the best restaurants and giving them a try as well as writing about my experience. I feel food is very diverse and allows people to communicate in such a way that others can understand the culture behind each dish. Food is something that brings people together in many ways. My goal is to bring light to different food types, dishes, and restaurants around the world.
What’s funny is, I hated writing in grade school and college. It was my least favorite subject, but I was always pretty decent at it. Who would have ever thought that I would combine my passion for traveling and food with my dislike of writing to create a journal of the most memorable times I have around the world. When I’m not in engineering mode, I’m traveling the world. When I’m not traveling by air, I’m in restaurants traveling through my taste buds. Come join me!